D.A.V. Centenary Public School

D-Block, Chander Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201001 (C.B.S.E. Affiliation No. : 2130169, School Code : 60074)

Withdrawal Policy  
  1. A month's Notice is to be given before the withdrawal of the pupil or a month's fee will be charged.
  2. If the name of the pupil has for want of notice, been entered in the register of the following month, the fees for that month is due even if the absense continues.
  3. Those students who leave school in June must pay the fee for July.
  4. No school leaving certificate is issued until all sums due to the school have been paid in full or satishfactorily arraged for.
  5. The school leaving certificate (S.L.C.) and security deposited will be released after the clearance of school Dues, if any.
  6.  Security Deposit will not be adjusted against any other dues.
  7. The amount of security deposited at the time of admission should be claimed within six months from the date of leaving, otherwise it will stand forfeited.
Contact Us ↓

 D.A.V. Centenary Public School
D-Block Chander Nagar,
Ghaziabad - 201011
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]

Website : davcpscn.com

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