The International School Award (ISA) is a benchmarking scheme that accredits schools as having an outstanding level of support for:
nurturing global citizenship in young people
enriching teaching and learning
International School Award recognizes and celebrates exemplary practices of internationalism in schools. The International School Award is a British Council’s accreditation scheme.
In the academic year 2017-2018, D. A. V. Centenary Public School, Chander Nagar Ghaziabad worked for the British Council’s International School Award. The school established links with 7 schools in 6 countries and worked on internet-based projects, mathematics project, science projects and language projects like exchanging emails, greeting cards hand-written letters and creative work with children across the world. Themes were wide-ranging and covered all subjects in the curriculum. It was a great fun for the students as they learnt about the cultures and the festival of other countries and a wonderful experience for the teachers.
The year long activities are judged by submitting the evidences in the form of a dossier. We won the ISA for year 2018-2021 by successfully integrating internationalism into our curriculum for the second time. Earlier we got ISA for the years 2014-2017