Shri Poonam Suri ( President –DAVCMC )
A well known media personality, Managing Editor of Daily Milap, acquainted with the latest information technology, a staunch Arya Samajist, an illustrious grandson of Mahatma Anandswami (Mahashaya Khushal Chand), has travelled to all European, Middle, Eastern and Far Eastern Countries.
Dr. N.K. Uberoi, ( Chairman – DAVCPS Chander Nagar,) An eminent educationist, former Principal of Hans Raj College, Delhi, former Director of Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, Delhi University, formerly Dean and Joint Director of Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad and associated with various social and educational institutions.
Mrs. Renu Laroiya ( Manager DAVCP School ) – Mrs. Renu Laroiya changed baton with Shri Mohan Lalji our school manager. Mrs. Laroiya is an eminent personality, experienced educationist, ever inspiring. She has been conferred upon by various awards along with the most coveted National Teacher award which is given by the President of India.

Dr. V.Singh Director (Public Schools)
The DAV CENETENARY PUBLIC SCHOOL is being managed by Local Managing Committee (LMC). Which is a constituent of DAV College Trust and Management society, New Delhi. This School has been functioning with the able administration of the LMC, Who are always with constructive suggestion and immediate solution at the hour of need of this institution.